Thursday, May 5, 2011

Short Song Video: Is That All There Is ? (Peggy Lee Song)

All human beings have a God-shaped hole in our hearts which only God can fill. This is why the singers and poets sing of the emptiness within us despite all the outward trappings of "wine, song and women". The was what Augustine (once-upon-a-time playboy) said, echoed by Blaise Pascal, the famous French mathematician and thinker. Solomon added the same refrain in his book "Ecclesiates".

However, the gloom is meant to lead you to the light found in Christ, "the Way, the Truth and the Life". Then you have solid ground for joy unspeakable.

Peggy Lee is old 1960s video, so please bear with the poor images.

Short Political Video: Checklist for Coming Election (Song "Born Free" Matt Monroe

Short Appreciation Video: The Japanese Resilience 2011 (with music)

Short Motivational Video: Daffodil Principle (with music)

If you love flowers and gardens, this video is for you.

Short Baby Video: Friendship (Music-Take my Breath Away)

11 Cute Baby Pictures in the Video.