Friday, November 25, 2011

Wow! Powerful Women of the World List (Shortened)

China Chinese will bury us Malaysians

Some Malays think Malaysian Chinese will overwhelm them economically when the crutches Mahathir has crippled them with are removed. Nothing is further from the truth: in our globalised world, it will be the China Chinese who will bury us Malaysians, Malays or Chinese. It is shocking that educated urban Malay professionals think like rural yokels (still hiding under coconut shells in deep wells) also reason (sic) like the Perkasa buffoons.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Is Sunlight Friend or Foe ?

Sunlight's Ultra-Violet Rays have been the Misrepresented Scoundrel for Melanoma & other Skin Cancers; this view has been challenged and found wanting.