Saturday, December 1, 2012

Voting wisely in the Malaysian Coming Election

Keys to the Second Coming

This is my published book in the earlier part of 2012 dealing with long-forgotten keys to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. If you have never heard of the Law of Double/Multiple Reference, it is one of the keys to unlock the Scriptures on the Parousia of Christ. Sir Robert Anderson's classic "The Coming Prince" dealing with the 70 Weeks of Daniel Chapter 9 gives another clue to Christ's Return. The book has many colorful illustrations.
Price is RM25. Order by sending email to .

Generous Giving Book

This is my published book on learning from Christians throughout history who have mastered the art of giving  generously of their lives and their wealth to the Lord. There are some 33 stories of people ranging from the Cambridge Seven to George Mueller, covering historical personages like Selina the wealthy British noble-lady and modern ones like Rick Warren.
You can order copies by emailling to me - .