Friday, May 17, 2013

BN stands for Bungling Nutheads

With other South-East Asians moving ahead of Malaysia, the bungling UMNO leaders in power are still living in the past decades, not having woken up to the facts of the 21st century realities.

They are still making the Chinese minority the bogeyman - after more than 50 years of marginalising them.

It is time Najib, the new Home Minister spouting the same racialistic nonsense, and other of Mahathir cronies, count the number of Malays who voted against them. The Chinese are not the only anti-BN voters (there are Chinese pro-BN voters, those who have fed from the economic pie of UMNO). How many Malays have voted against BN? Hey, you BN, do the count. And let the public know, if you dare.

Instead of concentrating on their ministerial jobs and earning their pay by serving the interests of the nation, what do the Ministers do most of the time?

The Finance Minister, ahem, the PM, has the tough tasks of reducing the National debt and deficits. What will BN or UMNO do when the Petronas cashcow runs out of milk? Now that you have stolen the election (we all know all about the rigging of constituency boundaries, other jerrymandering tricks - you have actually lost the election otherwise), you will be punishing the people by raising the prices of petrol, other necessities, and enforcing the GST.

For instance, will the Minister of Transport take a look at the condition of the roads in KL, the Klang Valley and of other towns? Is it not time for the potholes and uneven road surfaces to be seen to?

It is useless for anyone like Khairy to defend the naivete of the Home Minister. Anything a Minister says in public can never be his personal opinion - he should keep his personal opinions locked up in his head: anything he utters in public is from his ministerial chair. Maybe the Home Minister should return himself to the roots he came from in Indonesia. Don't waste time - do your job, man. Even Cambodia or Myanmar is waiting to overtake Malaysia economically.

The Malaysian Chinese and Indians have to thank Mahathir for beefing them up over the decades. Mahathir should have learned from history or psychology - by trying to marginalise these folks, he has in fact strengthened their economic muscle, their moral fibre and toughened them up to face obstacles. You can't build up your morale, your psyche from handouts - free lunches will cease some time. UMNO has failed the Malays, and as long as they continue to sing the same tune, the future Malay generations will suffer, once the ground rules are fair and even for all. Globalisation will level the playing field and UMNO can never stop this.

It is time for the UMNOputras to admit openly (they must realise it by now in their heart of hearts), Malays are not competing with Malaysian Chinese: the global competition is between all Malaysians of whatever race against the China Chinese and India Indians. Sooner and not later, the Malaysian Proton and Perodua will have to compete on level ground with all other car brands - hey, we can not keep global competitors out forever.

What legacy has Mahathir left for Malaysians? What will Malaysians of future generations think of Najib, the Ph.D Home Minister, and others in ministerial posts?

Why Malaysians Need Change after GE13

With characters like these !!!

After reading this article, the Malays will be able to see and know the truth about the Chinese. Once the Malays understand them, then there will be no more hatred towards the Chinese or falling into the traps and manipulation by UMNO. We could be one big family again. YES , FINALLY 1MALAYSIA..... that was how it was like in the 1960s........

WHY did Mahathir hate the Chinese SO MUCH ?
By Concerned Citizen
The Chinese have been misunderstood by the Malays in Malaysia for a long time. UMNO and Mahathir had deliberately sown hatred among the two great races and tried to paint a dirty picture of the Chinese, giving the impression that the Chinese are evil, greedy and have been stealing their jobs and wealth. I have therefore tried to put together the REAL FACTS about the ChineseThe Chinese are not the enemy of the Malays, rather the UMNO elite and cronies are the real culprits. We need to trace back the events leading to this misunderstanding........

WHY did Mahathir hate the Chinese SO MUCH ?
Why did MM discriminate & punish the Chinese? Because he had some bad experiences/incidences with some Chinese in his younger days. When Mahathir was a student, he was offended by the Chinese in school and in the University and some business towkays. He held old grudges and vowed for revenge. Knowing the Malays in Malaysia are the majority race, he schemed and changed the law to suit himself and changed himself to be a Malay. It is a fact, that he is the son of an Indian who migrated from Kerala and he is a 100% Indian . Knowing that the Malays are a simple-minded race, and needed a leader, he conveniently placed himself to be the champion of the Malays. He made himself a Malay and took over the power as PM. As Malays have a very loving and accepting nature, they took Mahathir in as one of them. Instead of being grateful to them, he has betrayed their trust.

He also create hatred and animosity between the races by INVENTING well-known terms specially designed to benefit himself as we know:BUMIPUTRA, NEP and SOCIAL CONTRACT. He is no champion for the Malays as we have found out that he plundered and wasted the national wealth. His sons are now Billionaires and have control of two oil fields from Petronas.

He personally created NEP, and in the process impoverished the Chinese race and enriched himself and his cronies. He took away all the rights and benefits of the non-Malays and left the non-Malays to rot. Only a few Chinese cronies have benefited from him, as he used them to siphon out billion of ringgits. Up to today, he still holds hatred for the Chinese. Looking at his blog, you will realise he is such a evil man that he would go to such lengths to destroy the Chinese race. A very unforgiving man, who used his hatred to hold on to power.

HOW Mahathir took control over the nation and use it for his purpose.
Effectively, Operasi Lalang in Oct, 1987, heralded the culture of fear that strangulated Malaysians for at least two decades.
It also provided the environment for Mahathir to rule in an even more authoritarian manner. He had scared off his opponents and silenced his critics, so now he was free to do what he wished. No one dared to stand up against him.
He amended the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA) to keep newspapers under tighter control.
He slowly controlled the Police, Judiciary, MAAC, and even the Sultans. All draconian and restrictive laws were put in place to control the people and bring fear to them, so that he was free to abuse and corrupt without any fear or punishment.

Every government machinery, every high public office appointment, every political decision made during Mahathir’s time was at his pleasure and made to do his biddings. Even now, most of his appointees continue to follow his many unreasonable and illogical biddings.

He has set up new laws and secretly established the
 BTW Biro to brainwash all bumis especially the Malays, telling them that the Chinese are the one who steal their jobs and that they are immigrants (pendatangs). With this, it started the great misunderstanding and created hatred between the Malays and Chinese. He made the Malays 100% dependent on the government for everything, making them stupid and crippled them so that they are unable to stand on their own two feet. His scheme is to control them and get them to vote for him and UMNO, so as to continue to retain power as well as the abuses and corruptions. 

Besides the implementation of all the restrictive laws, Mahathir engineered
 a policy of "divide and rule" among all the races, so as to retain power. He wants the Malays and Chinese to be forever fighting. DO NOT be fooled by his evil scheme.


Did the Chinese steal the Malay's jobs and the nation's wealth?

The Chinese have been the punching bag of Mahathir and UMNO, whenever UMNO or Mahathir want to divert the attention of their scandalous / crisis problems. Without fail, they continue to accuse the Chinese of stealing jobs and wealth from the Malays. Sure enough, the Malays will alway follow their accusations without finding out the truth. If the Malays knew the truth about the real situation, they will not support them and will instead get rid of them and their corruption. Yes the Chinese are the favourite bogeyman UMNO loves to blame for all the ills in Malaysia, whether racial and religious.

The Chinese are now asking themselves: Why is this so ?
 “Why Me?” Why does UMNO and the Malays want to target a race that has always believed in the virtues of hard work and who pride themselves in their ability to survive and succeed in life through whatever trials and tribulations thrown at them? A race that have contributed more then their fair share towards the economic success of this country. Is it not enough that they have had to compete on an uneven playing field with the Malays in business, faced overwhelming odds when competing with Malays in any tenders and projects from the Government and if that was not enough, have the education of our children and our civil liberties manipulated to favour the Malays? 

Many Malays know this, but many are
 brain-washed by the BTW course and most Malays are in total denial. A corrupt and irresponsible government that has chosen to treat the Chinese as their favourite whipping boy? UMNO has prosecuted, abused and denied the Chinese their rights in almost every which way the Chinese choose to turn. And of course after enduring these abuses for so long the Chinese are now not taking it sitting down! And they intend to do something about it! They want the Malays to wake up to the manipulation of UMNO.

If the Malays have become better for all these largesse from the UMNO led BN government ,then the Chinese might not have minded it so much because then as the Malays benefited and become a better people, so would the Chinese and the others become better people.
 We can all together rise to the higher level in life. But this did not happen. 

 the Malays have stagnated and with their stagnation, the other races, especially the Chinese, have stagnate with the Malays. And for this the Chinese as well as other races are angry because they feel that the Malays have held them back. The economy as a whole is in ruin and has lost its competitiveness.

The Malays must wake up to the fact
 that the Chinese are powerless and are not in a position to steal from them. The Chinese is not stealing, but the one who is actually stealing are UMNO and the cronies themselves. Every form of authority and power as well as wealth is in the hands of the Government and UMNO and they have full control of it , Let me quote one Bryant (of India) who wrote an open letter to Mahathir online: “As you are aware, the Malays control the rights to all the lands and natural resources in this country. They control all government institutions, GLC and state-owned companies. The Malays also dominate the lawmaking process in Malaysia including the decision-making processes in the formulation of the country's economy policies." 
Therefore, it is impossible for the Chinese to steal or do anything, as they have absolutely no power. All government departments jobs and contracts are in the hands of UMNO and cronies. UMNO and cronies have "sapu"(swept) all jobs and the wealth from the nation. The Malays should direct their complaints to them. If you have not benefitted from the nation, it is because the wealth and jobs are in UMNO and cronies' hands and you are simply not connected to them (ie: you are not their family members or friends).

The Malays must wake up and fight the corrupt UMNO who have stolen the wealth of the nation and as a result made them poor. It is NOT the Chinese they must fight as they themselves are powerless and have been abused and discriminated for the last 30 to 40 years.The Malays as a whole have not benefitted from the nation, and the stolen wealth has gone into the hands of the few elite UMNO and cronies.

Let it be known that, Mahathir single-handedly destroyed the nation, impoverished millions, especially the kampung Malays, abused his power, brought corruption to every sector of government, wasted billions that could have brought prosperity to the nation if well spent, created racial disharmony, brought disrepute to the judiciary, caused distrust upon the civil servants, etc. etc. etc . . .

Are the Chinese RICH and POWERFUL ?
Are all Chinese rich? The answer is definitely a big "NO".

Malaysians have been brainwashed into believing that all Chinese are rich and they have stolen the wealth of the nation.

How many Chinese are rich? Statisically, only 3% to 5% of the Chinese population is rich. YES, only 3% to 5% are rich.

Whilst only 25% to 30% are in the middle-class section. The remainder remain poor and needy.

How many of the Chinese are poor? Statistically, 65% to 70% of the Chinese population is poor.This could be derived at if realistic real poverty line income is taken into the calculation. This group is slightly better than the Indians who are also been abused and discriminated.

In comparison, how many poor Malaysians are there in Malaysia? Statistically,among all races, Malays, Chinese, Indians & Sabah & Sarawak natives,
 it is a high of 75% to 80%. OVERALL, 75% TO 80% of the total population is poor and needy and are finding it hard to survive.
This view that the Chinese have done very well for themselves — and by extension, do not require assistance from the government — is not uncommon.However, it is a gross generalisation and erroneous on several counts. Taken to its logical end and juxtaposed with the fact that many of the country’s richest individuals are Chinese, such a simplistic view has provided the underpinnings for the racially biased public policies pursued in a wide range of sectors and over such a long period of time in the country.

Off the public radar
Let us consider some of these facts and figures of the Chinese poor, disadvantaged and marginalised.
Firstly, many of these Chinese individuals and households do not appear on the government’s listing of poor Malaysians because the government has used an unrealistically low poverty line income to decide who comprise the poor. Should there be a readjustment of the poverty line to a more realistic figure, it is likely that several hundred thousand Chinese households (as well as a larger number of Bumiputera and Indian households) will fall into the “poverty” category.
Secondly, income distribution within the Chinese community is worsening for the last three decades. In fact the gap between the Chinese poor and well-to-do has increased in the last three decades, for which data is available. According to the Gini coefficient of income inequality, income inequality within the Chinese community has increased from .423 in 1990 to .434 in 1999 and .446 in 2004. Incidentally, this is the same for all the communities, including the Malays.
The worsening income inequality points to an entrenched and worsening poverty problem within the Chinese community that is not discernable if we simply rely on the conventional statistical indicators used by the government.

Excluded from NEP
Why is Chinese poverty so entrenched and intractable? The answer is that, for the most part, the Chinese poor and lower classes have not benefitted from the NEP and other national policies in the way that the Chinese elites or even upper middle class have. Consider the following
1. They have not been targeted by any of the government’s anti-poverty programmes.
2. They have been disadvantaged by lack of mastery of English and Malay.
3. They have educated their children in Chinese schools which have been the victims of unequal treatment. More than a quarter of Chinese school kids drop out before the age of 17 with many coming from the poorer achieving and less-endowed Chinese medium schools which we seldom hear or read about.
4. A large number of them live in new villages or in geographically remote rural areas which have been cut off from the enclave of affluence located in the main cities and in the Klang Valley area.
5. Many come from the agricultural sector and are vegetable gardeners, fruit farmers or fishermen or engage in agricultural services. Unlike their Malay counterpart rural poor, they have had limited access to Felda, Felcra, IADPs and other federal and state schemes thathave reduced landlessness and indebtedness and provided access to housing, infrastructure, utilities as well as enhanced incomes substantially.Even worse, they have been denied their legitimate land rights so that many remain squatters or operate on TOLs or short-term leases.
6. In the discussions on the country’s brain drain and loss of talent, much has been made about the out-migration of Chinese educated and professionals. In fact, if the proper surveys are ever carried out on out-migration from the country (according to the deputy foreign minister in Parliament recently, 304,358 Malaysians migrated to other countries from March 2008 till August 2009 compared with a out-migration figure of 139,696 in 2007), I will not be surprised if just as many less educated poor and lower middle-class Chinese are found to have left the country because of poverty and lack of opportunities for themselves and their children.

Chinese SMEs and other towkays
Many people claim that the economy is under the control of the Chinese, which in a way is true. But if you dig deeper, you will notice that all the good and profitable companies are in the hands of the cronies of UMNO, and the GLCs as well as a few cronies from the Chinese section.In term of Big businesses, all of them are in the hand of UMNO and their cronies.Themajority of Chinese companies are poor and they number up to at least 85% of the total SME. Do all Chinese become towkays? The answer is a definite NO. The self-employed towkay is only around 15% to 20%, while the rest of the Chinese population work as employees, such as: coolies, clerks, office-boys, shop-assistants, Accountants, managers, grocers, cooks, drivers and cashiers and their salaries range from a low of RM500 to a high R2,000.. It must be noted that these majority of Chinese at 80% to 85% could hardly survive in the high inflation environment in Malaysia. Every month, this group of Chinese try very hard to budget and balance their limited income. As we know, as for the self-employed, these are small time businesses such as hawkers or grocers, and not all SMEs are prosperous or can provide the secure and sustainable livelihood and incomes that others who are ignorant of the real conditions of these enterprises seem to imagine is the case with every SME.
Most Chinese SMEs are family-run businesses that are barely able to scrape a decent living through heavy self-exploitation of family members and extended family labour. Often working in dangerous and appalling conditions, they are ill-equipped to compete in an increasingly competitive and globalised environment.
The reality is that besides continuous harassment from government officials and politicians bent on extracting coffee money and beating them down for non-compliance with various local council rules and regulations, many SMEs are trapped in low productivity operations and lack access to technological know-how, larger markets and R&D capacity.

No social safety net
There is one more important consideration that is seldom discussed when the issue of Chinese socio-economic well-being is raised. This is that arising from their self employment or work as employees in SMEs and the informal sector, only a small proportion of Chinese households are covered by the social safety net for health, insurance and old age that comes with employment either in the public sector or with formal private sector employment.
This absence of participation in a social safety net will increasingly make itself felt on the future well being of the Chinese as the community ages rapidly and with the loss of traditional safety nets provided by the extended and large nuclear family.
The trend of Chinese vulnerable elderly who are either abandoned in old folk homes or live in miserable conditions on their own is already gaining speed. This trend is unstoppable without major changes taking place within the community and at the macro level where the state is the key player.

Malaysia’s present, future and past
Will the 1 Malaysia concept and New Economic Model remove the blinkers that stand in the way of assistance and resources being provided to the Chinese disadvantaged?
Will the prime minister’s promise of raising income levels of all disadvantaged and marginalised groups be kept? The major recommendations of the NECC to dismantle the NEP were never implemented, even when it has failed. The NEP remained in force for another 20 years upto 2010 after it was supposed to have ended in 1990. After 2010, the NEP continued in force, despite many compliants from the poor about the many abuses. Aid is not reaching the poor, but instead the NEP has been used to enrich the cronies of UMNO.


The failure of the Chinese political leadership to deal effectively with the socio-economic problems and challenges that the community was facing. Mahathir knew how to manipulate the politicians, by controlling them through bribes and corruptions, giving them crumbs, which resulted in them being unable to speak up. Yes, they become the running dogs of UMNO.

The Chinese have been bullied and discriminated, as well as other minorities and there is nobody to defend them. Each of them have had to rely on themselves to survive in this harsh and hostile environment. The Chinese are powerless. Their voices have been silenced. As the Chinese have placed great emphasis on education (as there is no help from the government in this area), and with their hardworking nature and flexibility, most have been able to get jobs in the low-pay private sectors only (since the public sector has been "sapu" away). The wages/ salaries in the private sectors are now lower in comparison with the public sector which has risen a few times with the many revisions by the government. Many Chinese, finding no jobs or opportunities in their own beloved home country, have no choice, and in order to survive have to migrate overseas to look for one . A brain drain of all intellectual and educated non-Malays is inevitable and has resulted in an adverse effect of ever-decreasing performance and economy by our country.

This book "The March to Putrajaya - Malaysia's New Era is at Hand" was recently banned by the Malaysian Home Minister, but is now available at the Internet. Readers can log on at to download the contents of the book. Stupid Government ! They banned this book, thus arousing the curiousity the of the rakyat....more will want to read it now! If you want change of government please do your part by forwarding to as many MALAYSIANS as possible regardless of whether they are Indians, Malays or Chinese. If we do nothing it as is akin to an endorsement of what they doing......corrupting, bastardising the various civil institutions and playing up race and religious issues. 

The NEP, since 1970, has failed and has not benefited the majority of Malays, especially those poor in the rural areas. Only a few selected and connected with UMNO have benefited from the NEP.

despite the fact that the UN has pointed out in one of their reports that Malaysia abuses & violates it's human rights by practicing racism and apatheid on its own people.

Read :

Malaysia under UMNO legalised racism and discrimination. It remains defiant on the issue. Even when the top leaders admitted the discrimination and abuses, it has no political will to change it. The people below them act as little Napoleans (ie: Public Service Dept Directors (PSD) and officers and head of gov't depts) chose to ignore and sabotage their instructions. Even up to TODAY,
 issues like job recruitment exercises for all government departments are lopped-sided toward employment and Scholarships of 95% to 97%. These also apply in government contracts and licences. Education standards have dropped drastically. Transparency with citizens' right have been deteriorating with many cases resulting in death and scandal. 

By doing these, UMNO thinks that they could control the Malays and with that could retain their vote for power. The Malays did not know that this
 "sweet" given to them is in fact "a bitter pill" which will cause them to be like a crippled man, losing their competitiveness and end up total reliant on the government. The mismanagement, the corruption and rent-seeking by the UMNO elite with their cronies have caused to be wasted or stolen hundreds of billions of ringgit which will eventually cause Malaysia to be bankrupt and a failed state. As reported by UN, the BN government has allowed the corrupt and ill-gotten money from the elite UMNO & cronies to be siphoned out of Malaysia by money laundering to the staggering amount of RM1 TRILLION RINGGITS for the last 20 years. If this amount of money is put to good use for of all races, we could all live comfortable lives by now. However, this is not so, all races including the Malays are facing a high cost of living as many things have risen in prices. All Malaysians are finding it very hard, under an environment of high inflation, to survive. Yes, UMNO has caused all of us to suffer and become poor. Without the participation of other races, it is impossible to uplift our economy into a booming one (ie: having a larger economic cake) with plenty of benefits to go around for all Malaysians. Under a honest and inclusive government, all Malaysians will not be lacking but will be prosperous. Malaysia has been experiencing slow growth as compared to our neighbouring countries and has become less competitive. TheMalays will be the one to pay "a very high price" for this lapse, once Malaysia becomes bankrupt in a few years if UMNO comes to power in the 13TH General Election. The Malay must wake up to the fact that the Chinese are not their enemy but their friend in this challenging global economy. The Chinese have been contributing to nation building ever since Malaysia existed, and in fact, have contributed about 90% of total income tax collected yearly to IRD for the nation's use such as, for all the governments' developments and expenditures and salaries. There should be no hatred among the races, and beside we are one big family. The Malays must realise that the crumbs given to them are bait to vote-in the corrupt UMNO politicians who have stolen the bulk of the money which are meant for the development and welfare of the people. UMNO and Mahathir are not the champions of the Malays, as they DO NOT CARE FOR THE MALAYS, as they only care for themselves. They only want to steal and get as much as possible for themselves and their cronies. Take heed of this, and stop this downward trend of our beloved country. Stop it, before it is too late for you, as this will definitely affect you personally in a big way as well as your children and grandchildren. The Malays must stop the manipulation of UMNO. Surely, you do not want Malaysia to be destroyed by these selfish, corrupt leaders. WHETHER MALAYSIA SURVIVES OR NOT, IT DEPENDS ENTIRELY ON YOU. YOU COULD CHANGE MALAYSIA, BY VOTING OUT THE CORRUPT BN (UMNO & ALL THEIR CRONIES).

Mahathir and UMNO intend to destroy YOU. READ BELOW
READ ALL ABOUT IT ...... Dr. Mahathir = the Destroyer of Malays and Malaysia
Malaysia Needs Change