Friday, May 17, 2013

BN stands for Bungling Nutheads

With other South-East Asians moving ahead of Malaysia, the bungling UMNO leaders in power are still living in the past decades, not having woken up to the facts of the 21st century realities.

They are still making the Chinese minority the bogeyman - after more than 50 years of marginalising them.

It is time Najib, the new Home Minister spouting the same racialistic nonsense, and other of Mahathir cronies, count the number of Malays who voted against them. The Chinese are not the only anti-BN voters (there are Chinese pro-BN voters, those who have fed from the economic pie of UMNO). How many Malays have voted against BN? Hey, you BN, do the count. And let the public know, if you dare.

Instead of concentrating on their ministerial jobs and earning their pay by serving the interests of the nation, what do the Ministers do most of the time?

The Finance Minister, ahem, the PM, has the tough tasks of reducing the National debt and deficits. What will BN or UMNO do when the Petronas cashcow runs out of milk? Now that you have stolen the election (we all know all about the rigging of constituency boundaries, other jerrymandering tricks - you have actually lost the election otherwise), you will be punishing the people by raising the prices of petrol, other necessities, and enforcing the GST.

For instance, will the Minister of Transport take a look at the condition of the roads in KL, the Klang Valley and of other towns? Is it not time for the potholes and uneven road surfaces to be seen to?

It is useless for anyone like Khairy to defend the naivete of the Home Minister. Anything a Minister says in public can never be his personal opinion - he should keep his personal opinions locked up in his head: anything he utters in public is from his ministerial chair. Maybe the Home Minister should return himself to the roots he came from in Indonesia. Don't waste time - do your job, man. Even Cambodia or Myanmar is waiting to overtake Malaysia economically.

The Malaysian Chinese and Indians have to thank Mahathir for beefing them up over the decades. Mahathir should have learned from history or psychology - by trying to marginalise these folks, he has in fact strengthened their economic muscle, their moral fibre and toughened them up to face obstacles. You can't build up your morale, your psyche from handouts - free lunches will cease some time. UMNO has failed the Malays, and as long as they continue to sing the same tune, the future Malay generations will suffer, once the ground rules are fair and even for all. Globalisation will level the playing field and UMNO can never stop this.

It is time for the UMNOputras to admit openly (they must realise it by now in their heart of hearts), Malays are not competing with Malaysian Chinese: the global competition is between all Malaysians of whatever race against the China Chinese and India Indians. Sooner and not later, the Malaysian Proton and Perodua will have to compete on level ground with all other car brands - hey, we can not keep global competitors out forever.

What legacy has Mahathir left for Malaysians? What will Malaysians of future generations think of Najib, the Ph.D Home Minister, and others in ministerial posts?

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