Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reformed Theologians Who Recognise the Right of Israel to Exist, thus retracting from the official Replacement Theology ascribed to the Reformed camp. Dr. Michael J Vlach, whom I assume is a Dispensationalist theologian, has produced a list of Reformed theologians who have affirmed a future for the nation of Israel. If this is factually true, then these theologians as listed have essentially "repented" of or retracted from the official Replacement Theology. The list includes: Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Iain Murray, John Perkins, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Hodge, Charles Spurgeon, C E Cranfield, George E Ladd, Herman Ridderbos, John Murray, Millard Erickson and Wayne Grudem. This is a list of the smart Reformed theologians who have seen the error of Replacement Theology and have saved their reputation (and their souls) from the sinking and shifting sands of mis-interpreting Romans chapter 11. Look at what they have saved their souls from. I will now deal with how dangerous Replacement Theology has been. Touching the sensitive subject of Replacement Theology is like touching "the apple of God's eye". In fact, the Psalmist text of "touch not my anointed" rightly means to refrain from encroaching on the rights, the covenants, the privileges and the identity of Israel as an elect people of God. Replacement Theology virtually "vaporizes" Israel out of the whole of Scripture: the mystical magical wand of this voodoo doctrine essentially destroys the identity of Israel. What then happens to the eternal and unconditional Abrahamic Covenant made between God and Abraham and ratified with Isaac on to David? Jeremiah chapter 31:35-37 contain the challenge by the Lord to anyone who dares to question the perpetuity of the nation of Israel, with God pointing to the sun, moon and stars (the whole universe) as eternal witnesses of the eternal existence of Israel. Once anyone questions the right of Israel to exist or persist as an entity, he has virtually opened a Pandora's box of doctrinal evils. Let us start with the heart of the Gospel, the doctrine of Eternal Salvation through the Redemption of the Cross of Christ, which is the New Testament founded upon the blood of Jesus. If you can abrogate the Abrahamic Covenant (and its accompanying covenants down the line), you are questioning the validity of the New Covenant of the Lord Jesus in the New Testament. Once you wipe Israel out of the map of God or the Word of God, you are shaking the very foundations of the New Covenant and all that it involves. The heart of the doctrine of Salvation, of Redemption, the work of the Cross of Christ - everything is shaken. You are essentially upsetting the "apple cart" of the Christian faith. Nobody will then be assured of the eternality of Salvation. If we allow Replacement Theology to wave its magical wand to say "Poof, Israel disappear forever!" you are challenging the validity of the eternal Gospel of the Grace of God. Pastors and ministers like Stephen Sizer, or a Baptist or evangelical like Jimmy Carter and their kindred should know the implications of Replacement Theology. They are playing with fire without knowing what they are doing. I hope you wake up to the realities of the issues raised by Replacement Theology.

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