Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Obama seeks second term

Obama has the nerve and the bold face to seek a second term in the White House. This is the height of idiocy. He should realise that even one term as President of USA has been too good for him. He and his wife in their talks overseas have disgraced USA. His opportunistic ascendancy to the White House is a preview of how the world will in time welcome a world dictator whom the Scriptures call the "Man of Sin" - a smooth talker with a quick turn of phrase.

Whether he has claimed to be a Muslim or not, he has shown his true colours in his attitude and treatment of Israel. For one thing, Obama has no idea of Biblical history nor of God's dealings with the nation of Israel. Genesis 12:3 states that the Lord will bless those who bless Abraham (and his heir nation of Israel, implied), and will curse those who curse him (and Israel). There is evidence to show that Obama has harmed the cause of Israel, has slighted the Israeli Prime Minister, has been prejudiced against Israel (whatever he may say otherwise).

Concerned Christians should pray that such a person should be removed from leadership of a professedly Christian nation hated by the Arab world.

I await the day to see Obama ousted from office.

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